Men’s Shed of Bellingham
Men’s Shed provides a space in the community where senior men can find meaning, friendship, and belonging
The Men’s Shed movement has more than 2,000 clubs/sheds around the world. Each shed offers a gathering space where men, mainly of retirement age, can work on projects either for themselves individually, or in groups, aimed at providing opportunity to create connections and a sense of personal value. The projects often are oriented towards providing service or product for the community at large, such as park benches, signs, repairing things for seniors and much more.
The Men’s Shed movement emerged in the 1990’s after a public health conference on men’s health. A big issue for men in retirement is social isolation which affects both mental and physical health. The Shed is a place where men can get together and chat, work on a project or two, create connections and gain a sense of community.
Join with other senior men in your community who would be interested in a startup group here in Bellingham for comradery and service to others.
Read this Article on Men’s Sheds in the Washington Post
AARP article on Men’s Sheds

Our Local Shed Contacts:
Jack Herring (425) 272-5214
Rupert Ayton (503) 333-2275
[email protected]
We are still walking every Tuesday at 10am on the Railroad Trail, meeting at the shelter next to Haggen’s in Barkley Village.
The Men’s Shed of Bellingham (MSOB) shall be a community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organization that is accessible to all eligible members and whose primary activity is the provision of a safe and friendly environment where members are supported and able to participate in a variety of community and/or personal projects in the company of other men.
- The Men’s Shed is a welcoming, accepting, comfortable and inclusive place for all persons retired or senior seeking the comradery of others.
- The Men’s Shed will emphasize the use of skills and hands-on activities to promote member and community involvement.
- Members will decide for themselves in which activities they shall participate, or give assistance, or learn from.
- The Men’s Shed is designed by its membership for its members so to accommodate a wide range of interests, projects or hobbies.
- The Men’s Shed prime objective is the advancement of wellbeing, social interaction, and health consciousness of their members.
Our goal is to have senior men gain a sense of self-worth by working together in a non-threating, open, and inclusionary environment, where they can develop relationships with one another while building a sense of empowerment and worthiness, gained from participating in projects that provide value, help, or assistance for others in our community.
Welcome to Men’s Sheds!
“Shed by Shed, we’re building a global movement of spaces where men can come together to find meaning, purpose, friendship and belonging.”
Phil Johnson, US Men’s Sheds Association
Activity Center Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Call us at (360) 733-4030
Our Location