Healthcare Services

Low Vision Support
This group offers recognition and support of the difficulties low vision may present in everyday life. Meetings will typically include sharing of personal experiences, information sharing and discussion.
4th Monday of each Month 1:00-3:00pm

Hearing & Communication Consultations
With Joel Bergsbaken of the Hearing Speech and Deaf Center. Sign up for a free consultation for individuals, caregivers, and families to receive support and education to help communication in your everyday life.
Free. Please Stop by the Front Desk or call for an appointment.

Foot Care
Keep your feet healthy and happy. Appointments are available with Christa Cooney RN, Certified Foot Care Specialist. Please stop by the Front Desk or call for an appointment. $45/members, $50/non-members.

Sound Journey
A guided sound experience where participants will lie on the floor or sit in a chair.vYou will be able to drop into a space of deep tranquility and peace while the sounds of the bowls and gongs will take you into a deep state of relaxation. Facilitated by Everitt Allen, Sound Therapy of the Pacific Northwest.
Classes are held on the last Friday of each Month (exceptions: no class in May or November); 10:00am-11:00am
Current BSAC members only

Blood Pressure Checks
High blood pressure may increase the risk of heart attack, stoke, and kidney disease. Knowing your blood pressure is part of self-care.
1st & 3rd Mondays, 10:30am-1pm; Drop-in.

Mindfulness Meditation
Guided meditation. All levels from first-timers to daily practitioners are encouraged and welcomed.
Tuesdays 10:00-10:45am

Household Emergency Preparedness
In this series we will share and discuss a different topic each month. Topics include: an overview of local hazards, the fundamentals of emergency preparedness, starting your 2-week kit, preparing in a year, creating your household plan and more. This series is presented by Greg Hope, Education & Outreach Coordinator for the Office of Emergency Management for the City of Bellingham.
4th Wednesday of every month; 1:00pm-2:30pm. Free & open to the public.

Looking for a new provider. Interested please contact Molly at 360.733.4030 ext. 1020
Become a Member!
Our Mission is to offer a wide range of classes, activities and services for people over 50 years of age and over to encourage emotional, mental and physical wellness for a healthy, active and independent lifestyle.
Activity Center Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Call us at (360) 733-4030
Our Location