Mission, Vision & Values
Whatcom Council on Aging, in partnership with the people we serve, offers nutritional, health, social, recreational, and educational programs that promote lifelong independence.
Lifelong empowerment through education, advocacy, and support:
- Independence through affordable housing, nutritious food, health care and programs that support lifetime wellness.
- Connections with community Senior Centers, programs and outreach.
- Opportunities for civic and community life engagement through education, recreation, and volunteerism.
- Self-respect through self-determined and independent living to prevent premature non-independent living and through opportunities for seniors to maintain autonomy.
- Good physical and mental health through proper nutrition, exercise, and other social activities.
- Community support built through advocacy for
rights of older adults and throughpromotion of a positive image of aging.
Whatcom Council on Aging engages in partnerships with agencies and community groups that support the values of Accessibility, Connectedness, Involvement, Independence, Individual Respect, Health, and Advocacy.